Sunday March 16th
Florissant St. Patrick’s Parade, Festival & 5k Run
This is the Annual St. Patrick’s Day Celebration in Florissant that takes place the Sunday before.

May 2nd–4th
Valley of Flowers Parade & Festival
Annually on the First Weekend in May.

Saturday & Sunday:
June 21st–22nd
Fiesta in Florissant
Annually On The Fourth Weekend In June

Date TBD
Juneteenth Music Festival

July 4th
Fourth of July Celebration & Fireworks in Florissant
Hosted Annually on July 4th

May 28
June 25
July 30
August 27
September 24
Wednesday Night Out
Annually On The Last Wednesday Of The Month In Summer.

July: 4th, 12th, 19th, & 26th
August: 2nd, 9th, 16th, & 23rd
Music Under the Stars (MUTS)
Hosted Every Saturday In Summer After The 4th Of July.

Monday: September 1st
Tour de Florissant
Annually On Labor Day.

Date TBD
Florissant’s Annual Polish Festival

August 24th
Labor Day In Florissant

September 13th
Florissant Italian Festival
Annually On Last Saturday Of September.

October 12th
Florissant’s Fall Festival
Annually on the second Sunday of October.

November 9th
Florissant’s Veteran’s Day Parade

November 30th
Miracle On St. Francois.