While answers may vary, Economic Development is comprised of Business Attraction, Business Retention and Expansion, and Business Creation. The intention behind this is to increase the amount of income coming into the community from outside our market area.
The Florissant Office of Economic Development is a city branch and team appointed to administrate the community plans of economic development.
The City of Florissant has partnered with OpenGov and is excited to announce our transition from a paper-based bid solicitation process to a fully automated, web-based electronic bidding and vendor management system. www.florissantmo.com/bids for more info.
Florissant is the 12th largest city in the State of Missouri and the largest city in St. Louis County with 52.533 residents. Even with this growth Florissant has continued to maintain its “small town” feel.
Amenities like no other. 19 Parks, 2 Rec Centers, 2 Pools, Splash Pad, Internationally Accredited Police Force, Award Winning Restaurants, Bike/Walk Trails, Shopping, Close Proximity to Everything in STL, and Frequent Community Events.
Here is a start to finish guide of everything you need to start a business in Florissant. Download the PDF to learn more!
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Contact the Office of Economic Development for more information