Efficient Approval Process
The City of Florissant, Missouri is a dynamic community that is ambitiously growing with new residential and commercial developments. The Public Works Department strives to respond to growth by quickly processing every application. Procedures call for a quick turnaround time for all plan reviews submitted for rezoning requests, subdivision plats, conditional use permits (special use permits), etc.
Special-Purpose Taxing Districts
A special-purpose taxing district is a type of taxation that can be used by cities to fund public improvements, such as infrastructure for economic development and the growth of recreational opportunities. These districts include community improvement districts (CID), transportation development districts (TDD), and neighborhood improvement districts (NID).
These are the types of zoning use when you are trying to develop your property. If you want to build a business in your area, the taxing district would collect tax dollars and help fund the project.
Tax Abatement and Tax Increment Financing
Missouri is a state that has a sizeable amount of tax incentives for those looking to invest in the state. Tax abatements by the city under Chapter 353 tax abatement are granted for the redevelopment of poorly maintained properties throughout the city. To be eligible for such tax abatement, either the City or a private entity must form an Urban Redevelopment Corporation (URC) pursuant to the Urban Redevelopment Corporations Law.
The Tax Increment Financing is meant to help fund the private development of property throughout the city. This is meant for areas that are unlikely to be developed or maintained without public intervention. This is especially geared towards poorly developed areas.

Missouri Incentives
Missouri Works Program
As the state’s number one tool for spurring business expansion and retention, this program provides withholdings or tax credits for facility maintenance, expansions and job creation.
Business Use Incentives for Large Scale Development (BUILD) Program
Companies embarking on major investments, expansions and job creation may qualify for low-interest loans provided by tax-exempt revenue bonds for the acquisition, construction and equipping of manufacturing facilities.
Brownfield Remediation Program
This important program provides financial benefits for the redevelopment and remediation of contaminated commercial and industrial sites, and calls for projects creating at least 10 jobs or retaining 25 jobs.
Business Facility Tax Credit Program
New businesses or existing Missouri companies looking to relocate or expand their headquarters may qualify for Missouri tax credits based on the number of new jobs and investment associated with their project.
Data Center Sales Exemption Program
To encourage the relocation and expansion of data centers, Missouri provides a limited-period exemption on sales and use taxes associated with building a new facility or expanding an existing facility.
Sales Tax Exemption for Manufacturers
Under this program, manufacturers can access a 4.225% state sales tax exemption on energy sources (electricity, coal, gas), machinery equipment, chemicals, materials, etc.
State Historic Tax Credits
This program helps developers give new life to historic buildings, enhancing our community’s architectural diversity, attractiveness and sense of place for residents and visitors alike.
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